Data as key asset
for value creation

In the dynamic landscape of the financial sector, data emerges as both a pivotal asset and a formidable challenge. Financial institutions grapple with complexities in managing, analyzing, and leveraging data effectively. To navigate this data-driven era successfully, addressing challenges head-on and harnessing the power of data is imperative.

Our insights

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RPA and RDA in Finance: Enhancing Automation Efficiency

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the financial sector is under immense pressure to optimize operational efficiency, reduce costs, and deliver superior client service. Organizations are increasingly turning to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Robotic Desktop Automation (RDA) technologies to meet these demands. These automation tools have revolutionized the way businesses operate by automating repetitive tasks, […]
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Trends in Belgian household wealth and investments

According to Credit Suisse’s latest Global Wealth Report, unveiled last August, Belgians are the richest people in the world…This analysis is based on the median wealth of Belgian households, which according to their sources reached USD 249,940 in 2022. This explains why many foreign banks are keen to have a geographical footprint in Belgium, or […]
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Elevating Private Banking: Embracing Client Experience in the Digital Age

In order to stay relevant in Today’s market, financial institutions should consider Client Experience as one of their priorities. As recently reported by Forbes, Gen Z is less satisfied with current Customer Experiences, with just 50% satisfaction compared to 71-72% for previous generations. This data represents one of the challenges that financial institutions too should […]
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Overcoming Data Quality Challenges

A primary hurdle faced by financial institutions is Data Quality. Coping with vast data from multiple sources requires ensuring accuracy, consistency, and reliability. Inaccurate or incomplete data poses risks to reporting, decision-making, and compliance. Implementing robust data quality measures is crucial to validate and cleanse data, forming a solid foundation for critical operations.

Mastering Data for regulatory reporting

As regulations evolve and tighten, ensuring compliance becomes increasingly complex. Financial institutions must meticulously capture, analyze, and report vast data volumes to meet regulatory requirements. Non-compliance results not only in fines but also damages reputation and erodes customer trust.

Establishing Comprehensive Data Governance

Establishing comprehensive data governance frameworks is essential. These frameworks define data ownership, ensure data security, and establish clear guidelines for data management. Achieving data governance excellence requires a holistic approach that integrates people, processes, and technology, safeguarding data integrity, privacy, and compliance.

Leveraging Data Analytics for Competitive Edge

Data Analytics capabilities serve as a vital competitive advantage. However, extracting valuable insights from the growing volume, velocity, and variety of data presents challenges. Financial institutions must invest in advanced analytical capabilities and talent to make informed decisions that drive business growth.

Ensuring Efficient Data Management

As data volumes explode, ensuring efficient data storage, retrieval, and maintenance becomes complex. Financial institutions need robust data management systems and infrastructure capable of handling the increasing demands of data storage, backup, and archival.

Monetizing your Data

While the potential to monetize data is immense, transforming raw data into valuable insights, products, and services requires a strategic approach. Financial institutions must identify opportunities to leverage data assets and create new revenue streams while navigating the complexities of data privacy, security, and customer expectations.

Want to know more?

Meet our expert!

Gail Bajraktari


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Use cases

Monetize on data to reinforce the eco-system of corporate partners

Monetizing data offers banks a unique opportunity to generate additional revenue, gain a competitive advantage, and improve customer experience.

DynaFin's Expertise in Data Solutions

Monetize on data to reinforce the eco-system of corporate partners


Monetizing data offers banks a unique opportunity to generate additional revenue, gain a competitive advantage, and improve customer experience. A large Belgian bank wanted to leverage on the data collected from its retail clients to create value for its corporate clients.

However, it requires a strategic approach, investment in technology and talent, and a strong commitment to data privacy and security to unlock its full potential and drive sustainable growth in the digital age.

DynaFin's Strategic Intervention

The bank has asked DynaFin to give advice in the Strategic plan of data monetization

Provide Recommendations

Our consultants started with the analysis of ongoing initiatives related to data monetization. Based on this assessment, they provided recommendations on refining the project scope and defining the target product.

Non-IT Project Management

DynaFin primarily focuses on developing the commercial approach to maximize the monetization potential of the data. This was included in a Business Case to present to the higher management.

Development of Minimum Viable Product

We were tasked with ensuring the successful delivery of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for an innovative data monetization product.

Strategic Planning

DynaFin was responsible for crafting a multi-year strategic plan. This plan outlines a comprehensive roadmap for the bank's data monetization efforts, encompassing a detailed business case, organizational structure, high-level architecture of the data infrastructure, and the commercial strategy for attracting corporate clients.


DynaFin’s intervention combined strategic analysis, project management expertise, and innovative product development to support the bank in unlocking the full potential of its data assets.

The product launched is the first of its kind within the Belgian banking sector, highlighting the bank's commitment to innovation and differentiation in the market.

By delivering actionable recommendations and facilitating project execution, DynaFin enabled the bank to deliver a MVP and charting a strategic course for the future.


Ensuring the success of Data Migration

Supporting a Private Bank navigating the ever-evolving landscape of financial technologies and operational tools, DynaFin facilitated the transition to a new core banking system.

DynaFin's Expertise in Data Solutions

Ensuring the success of Data Migration


Supporting a Private Bank navigating the ever-evolving landscape of financial technologies and operational tools, DynaFin facilitated the transition to a new core banking system. This journey was accompanied by a revamp of operational tools and a strategic optimization of existing resources. These changes were imperative to ensure the client's alignment with contemporary financial requirements.

DynaFin's Strategic Intervention

DynaFin played a pivotal role in ensuring the success of the Data Migration project, assuming responsibility for various aspects with precision and expertise. The data migration process was driven by autonomous management of critical subjects and meticulously conducted workshops, covering both business and technical dimensions.

Emphasis was placed on technical communication with providers, alongside the development and testing of migration scripts. Additionally, DynaFin upheld data quality through identification and follow-up processes, generating reconciliation reports to verify the accurate migration of data as defined in legacy systems. These efforts extended to the creation of specialized reports and the ongoing development of features related to the Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW).


The Data Migration unfolded in two distinct stages, with the successful completion a fully operational system. A notable achievement was the daily provision of core banking data into the EDW using a Data Vault approach. This laid a robust foundation for customized reporting across various banking domains, including credit, finance, and operations, facilitated by data management tools. The outcome underscores both the successful implementation of key elements and the adaptability to strategic shifts in the project's lifecycle.
