Watch, Advise, Select: Our Strategic Guidance in Technology

At DynaFin Consulting, advising financial services on the selection of cutting-edge technology is a cornerstone of our expertise. In an era of rapid technological evolution, financial institutions face the challenge of navigating myriad options. Our advisory services in this domain are rooted in the belief that strategic technology selection empowers financial services to remain competitive, agile, and at the forefront of innovation.

Our insights

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RPA and RDA in Finance: Enhancing Automation Efficiency

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the financial sector is under immense pressure to optimize operational efficiency, reduce costs, and deliver superior client service. Organizations are increasingly turning to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Robotic Desktop Automation (RDA) technologies to meet these demands. These automation tools have revolutionized the way businesses operate by automating repetitive tasks, […]
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Trends in Belgian household wealth and investments

According to Credit Suisse’s latest Global Wealth Report, unveiled last August, Belgians are the richest people in the world…This analysis is based on the median wealth of Belgian households, which according to their sources reached USD 249,940 in 2022. This explains why many foreign banks are keen to have a geographical footprint in Belgium, or […]
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Elevating Private Banking: Embracing Client Experience in the Digital Age

In order to stay relevant in Today’s market, financial institutions should consider Client Experience as one of their priorities. As recently reported by Forbes, Gen Z is less satisfied with current Customer Experiences, with just 50% satisfaction compared to 71-72% for previous generations. This data represents one of the challenges that financial institutions too should […]
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Gaining Competitive Edge Through Technology

In today's fast-evolving landscape, harnessing the right technological solutions is crucial for staying ahead. Financial institutions, when designing their value-driven organizations, may opt for third-party providers to supply technical solutions, allowing them to benefit from:

Top-notch experience and knowledge without cultivating or keeping in-house expertise. Access to the newest and most advanced technology for quicker adoption of innovative solutions.

Technology as an Accelerator for Your Business

At DynaFin Consulting, we believe technology should serve as an enabler for your business vision. We specialize in guiding financial institutions through the intricate process of selecting technological solutions that perfectly match their unique needs and aspirations.

Trusted Advisory Partner for Complex Ecosystem

The sheer abundance of available solutions can be overwhelming. Our team of experts serves as your trusted advisory partner, helping you navigate the complex ecosystem of solutions. We go beyond recommendations by delving deep into your business requirements, goals, and objectives to identify the perfect fit for your organization.

Tailored Solutions Aligned with Your Goals

Our approach begins with a thorough understanding of your specific needs. Through in-depth consultations, we gain insight into your operations, challenges, and growth strategies. By immersing ourselves in your business vision, we become well-versed in your unique requirements, allowing us to provide tailored advice and solutions that align with your goals. 

Streamlined Selection Process for Future-Ready Solutions

The selection process for technological solutions can be intricate, but we simplify it for you. Our experienced team meticulously researches and evaluates your required capabilities with a wide array of market solutions. We consider factors such as functionality, scalability, security, compliance, and integration capabilities. By combining deep industry knowledge with extensive market research, we ensure that the solutions we recommend are future-ready and capable of meeting your evolving needs.

Smooth Implementation for Optimal Efficiency

We understand that the success of any technological solution lies in its seamless integration with your existing systems and processes. Our focus is on identifying solutions that not only meet your current requirements but also seamlessly integrate into your architecture. In collaboration with our technological expert's ecosystem, we ensure a smooth implementation process, minimal disruption, and maximum efficiency gains. 

Want to know more?

Meet our expert!

Christophe Wauthier


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Use cases

Advice on AML software packages

In a tightly regulated industry, employing the most effective tool to combat money laundering is essential to prevent any errors.

DynaFin's Expertise in Watch, Advice, Select

Advice on AML software packages


In a tightly regulated industry, employing the most effective tool to combat money laundering is essential to prevent any errors. A bank identified limitations in the current anti-money laundering (AML) tool's functionality and sought alternatives in the Belgian market that offer enhanced capabilities and operational support. To gain insight into the AML software landscape within the Benelux region, the bank commissioned a report detailing the solutions utilized by other financial institutions for regulatory compliance. DynaFin offered its assistance by conducting a Market Analysis on the prevalent AML software packages in the BeNeLux markets. 

DynaFin's Strategic Intervention

The intervention of DynaFin involved conducting a comprehensive market study to identify all software packages utilized by financial institutions in the BeNeLux region to support key financial security processes, including Customer Due Diligence (CDD), Know Your Customer (KYC), Anti-Money Laundering (AML) transaction monitoring, watchlist screening, sanction lists management, adverse media monitoring, and identification of politically exposed persons (PEPs). The consulting firm meticulously listed and categorized these software packages based on their functionalities and capabilities relevant to four key areas: 

Data Aggregation

The ability of the software to collect and consolidate data from various sources, ensuring comprehensive coverage for AML and CDD processes.

Continuous Detection & Prevention

The capacity to continuously monitor transactions and customer activities in real-time, enabling timely detection and prevention of suspicious activities or transactions.

Investigation & Risk Management

The tools and features available for investigating alerts, conducting risk assessments, and managing cases related to potential money laundering or financial crimes.

Command, Control & Reporting

The system's capabilities for managing AML operations, overseeing compliance activities, and generating comprehensive reports for regulatory purposes and internal audits.

DynaFin then compared these software packages across these four key capabilities to provide the bank with a detailed assessment of the available options in the market.


As an outcome of the intervention, the bank received a high-quality market overview of the AML software landscape, detailing the features, functionalities, and strengths of each identified software provider. Equipped with this information, the bank made an informed decision to proceed with launching a Request for Proposal (RFP) to five of the software providers identified through the market study. This strategic move reflects the bank's commitment to selecting the most suitable AML software solution that aligns with its operational requirements, regulatory obligations, and long-term strategic objectives. By leveraging the insights provided by DynaFin, the bank is poised to enhance its financial security measures and strengthen its compliance with AML regulations. 


Supporting a credit institution in enhancing customer experience

As part of an operational efficiency initiative, a credit institution sought to automate and digitize its entire loan origination processes.

DynaFin's Expertise in Watch, Advice, Select

Supporting a credit institution in enhancing customer experience


As part of an operational efficiency initiative, a credit institution sought to automate and digitize its entire loan origination processes. The institution sought an external solution to achieve its goals of enhancing customer experience while reducing costs and has leverage on DynaFin’s expertise in technology solutions selection and integration.

DynaFin's Strategic Intervention

DynaFin’s intervention encompassed the several critical stages of the project, starting with the solution design and the external provider selection:

Solution Design

Our consultants collaborated closely with the credit institution to understand its specific requirements, objectives, and constraints regarding loan origination processes. Based on this understanding, the DynaFin lead the solution design phase, identifying key functionalities, system integrations, and technology requirements.

Evaluate available solutions

Our consultants evaluated potential technology providers and solutions available in the market. This involves assessing factors such as vendor reputation, product capabilities, scalability, integration capabilities, compliance with industry standards and regulations, and total cost of ownership.

Provider selection

Through a comprehensive evaluation process, including vendor demonstrations, RFP (Request for Proposal) responses, and reference checks, the consulting firm would facilitate the selection of the most suitable provider(s) that align with the financial institution's needs and strategic objectives.

With the provider selected, our experts proceed to reengineer the loan origination processes to optimize efficiency, minimize manual interventions, and maximize straight-through processing (STP) ratios. This includes redesigning workflows, streamlining decision-making processes, defining clear roles and responsibilities, and implementing automation rules and algorithms to expedite loan approvals and disbursements.

Finally, our consultant overseed the end-to-end implementation and the testing of the chosen technology solution, before supporting the financial institution in rolling out the new automated loan origination processes across relevant departments.


As a result of the consulting firm's intervention, the credit institution successfully implemented a fully paperless loan origination process, leveraging APIs to maximize straight-through processing (STP) ratios.

This digital transformation enabled significant cost savings by reducing manual effort, streamlining workflows, and minimizing errors and delays associated with traditional paper-based processes.

Moreover, the automated processes laid the foundation for further digital evolutions, enhancing agility, scalability, and customer experience in the increasingly competitive lending landscape.
